If this democratictechnics goes back to the earliest use of tools, authoritariantechnics is a much more recent achievement: it begins around the fourth millennium B. C. in a new configuration of technical invention, scientific observation, and centralized political control that gave rise to the peculiar mode of life we may now identify, without
"DEMOCRACY" IS A term now confused and sophisticated by indiscriminate use, and often treated with patronizing contempt. Can we agree, no matter how far we might diverge at a later point, that the spinal principle of democracy is to place what is common to all men above that which any organization, institution, or group may claim for itself? This is not to deny the claims of superior natural ...
AuthoritarianandDemocraticTechnics. Jan. 21-22, 1963. Author Lewis Mumford warns against the dehumanizing aspects of technological systems based on authoritarian principles, claiming that they are inimical to both true democracy and human life itself. His talk is followed with an extended commentary by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover of the U.S ...
We deliberately re-emphasise the potential for the socially shaped and negotiated "democratictechnics" advanced by Mumford (1964). As Bookchin argued, resistance to authoritarian science and technology makes the formulation of an alternative liberatory conceptualization of science a critical political task.
AuthoritarianandDemocraticTechnics LEWIS MUMFORD* " Democracy " is a term now confused and sophisticated by indis criminate use, and often treated with patronizing contempt. ... left out anything important. Democracy, in the primal sense I shall use the term, is necessarily most visible in relatively small communities and groups, whose ...
The success of human surrender to authoritariantechnics is paradoxically owed to the fact that "if one surrenders one's life at source, authoritariantechnics will give back as much of it as can be mechanically graded, quantitatively multiplied, collectively manipulated and magnified" (Mumford, 1964, p. 6).
The emphasis that Bookchin put upon the opposition between "authoritarian" and "libertarian" technics was not an accidental echo of Mumford's "authoritarian" and "democratic" technics, rather it was Bookchin purposely pushing Mumford's analysis a step further and willingly stepping away from Mumford's use of "the more ...
If this democratictechnics goes back to the earliest use of tools, authoritariantechnics is a much more recent achievement: it begins around the fourth millennium B.C. in a new configuration of technical invention, scientific observation, and centralized political control that gave rise to the peculiar mode of life we may now identify ...
AuthoritarianandDemocraticTechnics. farmer, each group developing. its own gifts, through appropriate. arts. and social ceremonies, as well as making. discreet use of the gifts. of. nature. This technology. had limited horizons of achievement, but, just. because of its wide diffusion and its modest demands, it had great ...